
Skånska Energi – Green electricity network
in Southern Sweden


A green energy company in the
growing Skåne region

Skånska Energi is an integrated utility company located in Södra Sandby, Lund Municipality in the Skåne County. The company’s core focus is on regulated electricity distribution complemented by electricity retail sales, small scale energy generation and energy solutions business.

Skånska Energi was founded in 1916 and has c. 18,700 electricity distribution customers, c. 15,800 electricity retail customers and generates c. 48 GWh of hydropower.

Skånska Energi is co-owned with majority owner Kraftringen, a regional municipal-owned utility.

Assessed Societal Contribution

Skånska Energi´s societal contribution, i.e. how their products and/or services help solve challenges expressed as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), is illustrated with the relevant icons below.


Investment date: October 2018

Country: Sweden

Sector: Electricity distribution and energy solutions