Investments for tomorrow A Nordic partner with local presence Alight Capital partner to Alight in the solar revolution Akershus Energi Providing sustainable heating in the Oslo region Altifiber A leading fiber infrastructure Altifiber AS Hafslund Celsio The largest district heating company in Norway Loiste Municipal power grid- and district heating operation in Finland MPY Telecom Regional fiber and telecom tower infrastructure in and around Eastern Finland Oslofjord Varme Sustainable municipal district heating in the Oslo region Sandefjord Bredbånd The leading fiber infrastructure owner in Sandefjord Skånska Energi Green electricity network in Southern Sweden Suohki Social infra portfolio in Jyväskylä Finland Sola Bredbånd Dark fiber provider in the municipality of Sola Tafjord Connect Leading fibre infrastructure company in the north-west Norway Thorsø and Foersom Biogas plants for a greener future Tuusulanjärven Lämpö Oy Providing sustainable district heating in Southern Finland Vandel III One of the largest solar parks in the Nordics Varmalämmitys Joint venture with local energy utility Velfra Investment in Norwegian social infrastructure Yilport Gävle Investment into one of Sweden’s most important container ports Yilport Oslo Infranode invests in the largest container port in Norway