
Akershus Energi Varme – Providing sustainable
heating in the Oslo region


Providing sustainable heating
in the Oslo region

Akershus Energi Varme is a district heating and cooling company with concessions spread through Lillestrøm, Lørenskog, Skedsmokorset, Sørumsand and Årnes in Norway. Akershus Energi Varme’s ambition is to provide its customers with heating and cooling produced in an environmentally responsible way.

Akershus Energi Varme is co-owned with Akershus Energi, which is in turn 100% owned by the Viken County.

Read more about Akershus Energi Varme

Assessed Societal Contribution

Akershus Energi Varme’s societal contribution, i.e. how their products and/or services help solve challenges expressed as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), is illustrated with the relevant icons below.

E_SDG goals_icons-individual-rgb-11
E-WEB-Goal-13-1030x1030 (1)

Investment date: July 2017

Country: Norway

Sector: District heating